Sunday, October 9, 2011

Welcome to our blog!

Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
Acrophobia – fear of heights
Claustrophobia - fear of Enclosed Spaces
Lactosephobia – fear of lactose

Okay, okay, you caught us. We made up “lactosephobia”, but to anyone out there that is lactose intolerant you’ve probably experienced a little dread when trying to order food or trying out a recipe for company.

Well today we, the Lactose Free Ladies, are here to cure your lactosephobia. No longer does cooking dairy free have to be time consuming and puzzling. No longer should going out to eat result in ordering a garden salad, no cheese, hold the dressing. No longer will you wonder at the grocery store, “is that tofu/soy/rice/almond milk really going to taste good?”. We’re going to help you out three days a week. On Mondays, our resident lactose tolerant lady, Alyssa, will scout out the grocery stores and give you all the information on popular (and not so popular) dairy substitutes and how they stack up against their dairy counter parts. Wednesdays Erin and Jaclyn, two recovering lactosephobians will give you their favorite dairy free recipes and Fridays we give you our lifestyle tip of the week – what to order when out, some grocery shopping tips, etc.

So enjoy our tips and feel free to chime in. Together we will fear and loathe lactose no more.

- Alyssa, Erin & Jaclyn

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